I have to get ready to go back to the States for a visit. Since I'm leaving in three weeks or so, I have a lot to do in the meantime - and other stuff to do once I'm there!
This week, I'm giving y'all (and myself!) a sneak preview of what lies ahead of me this Summer Holiday:
13 Things I Have to Do This Summer
1) Book the flights. Actually, I've got this done - with no help from Delta Airlines, btw. Grrrr...
(How are you supposed to buy a ticket when the credit card verification system they use throws up a "Untrusted Encryption" message at ya? Huh? Huh? I called Delta's "helpline" and they told me to call Mastercard. Uh, no, ma'am, the problem is your website geniuses are using a system every browser I have says is unsafe to use. Grrrr... again! May I advise you to use a different system? 'cause who knows how many direct customers you're losing in the meantime... Grrr... If I had other options, believe me, I'd take one of them. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with this bunch of sad sacks because hardly anyone affordable flies to where I'm going.)

You know the drill...
A little eye-candy awaits...
Remember, it's Summer!