Not content with using a simplistic slogan to make their point, the LINES (pronounced "LEE-nez") product line includes a series of "Lo sai che?" - "Do you know that...?" - factoids on the packaging of some of their items.
Since last Tuesday was International Women's Day, I thought I'd share with you some of the factoids that LINES thinks women need to know about our bodies. Here now, I'd like to present:
13 'Do You Know That...?' Factoids

Well, hurrrrr....Durrrr... Really? Not exactly a newsflash, is it?
Well, that explains a lot for me. We'll pretend I hadn't noticed that on my own. Like most women I know.
Or, you know, just drinking a healthy amount of water. Like we're supposed to, anyway.
This is one of the quotes which made me say "Well, duh!" out loud when I read it.
Do you know it's a common need to want a sweet treat during the menstrual period?
What, you mean... Like chocolate or something? Which you mention several times in other "factoids", such as:
Did you know that chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, which is lacking during the cycle?
I reckon that answers that. Although chocolate generally has that effect any time - not just during menstruation.
This one is so important - I guess Italian women don't know this basic fact? - they actually repeat it with some rewording:
Do you know it's good practice to enhance the normal hygienic practices during menstruation? (emphasis mine)
(Here, the website goes on to add: "Menstruation is an event with the potential for polluting the presence of stagnant blood and secretions, it is necessary to increase the frequency of daily washing underwear and use of strong acid cleaners.")
'Cause, you know, you wouldn't have figured out that you needed to clean yourself up on your own. And hey, don't forget to use "strong acid cleaners" to make sure your clothes are clean too*, okay?
*Edited to add this note: Evidently, I went a little astray while interpreting this one. The "strong acid cleaners" was not referring to detergents to clean clothes, but rather to feminine cleansers - which is to say, douches. Yeah. I didn't think that one could get worse, but it did. (Thanks to my brave hubby for not being afraid to point that one out.)
So, be sure to clean your nasty hoochies, y'all! Aren't you glad LINES was here to remind you to do this?
Did you know that dropping a brick on your toe hurts?
Did you know that a simple warm bath can relieve menstrual cramps?
That's right up there with number seven, no?
Okay, they meant nuts like almonds, walnuts and peanuts - but I couldn't help laughing at that one.
Yeah, I think most of us know that now. And thanks for bringing that up, by the way.
Aw, geez. Why didn't I think of that? That's where I've been going wrong my whole life.
Oh. My. God. Why has no-one told me this before? ALERT THE MEDIA!!! Or, you know... Dig yourself out from the rock you've been living under.
This is the one which sent me raving (post-menstrually, thank you very much) to my husband, and inspired this post. I found this one particularly insulting. Why?
Because a) I know plenty of women who were/are affected by PMS who were stay-at-home mothers and wives, and b) I found the underlying message here to be that working "outside the home" (and how many women really have a choice in the matter, especially if they're not married?) was a bad thing. As in "You bring the stress on yourself, woman, by not staying where you should be."
I won't say I wasn't being a tad oversensitive. There's just something in the tone of that "fact" which seems to me to be incredibly condescending.
For what it's worth, my husband agreed after he read it for himself.
Yes, I know there are more than thirteen factoids collected up there.
But some of them were too hard to resist sharing.
And I'm never terribly good at resisting impulses, I guess.
But you know me...
That's just how I am.