Anyway, I just thought I'd write and share some of the experiences of this summer with my readers since you were decidedly shortchanged in recent weeks (nay, months!) while I was in the US.
For a start, there was jetlag (isn't there always?), but I still found myself driving after just a couple of days. Obviously I survived, so that's okay. Immediately upon arrival, I found my "proof" copies of my novels waiting for me, and I had a look at them before I approved them for printing.
Maybe that wasn't such a good idea, what with jetlag and all...? Hmmm...
Anyway, a short while after I arrived, I was delighted to find that the Versus channel would be showing both the Tour of Switzerland and the International Criterium. O, delight! O, joy!
And I duly plonked my butt down in front of the TV and watched all the coverage I could, making notes all the while.
I got some writing done.
I did an interview with the local newspaper.
Then I did two book events in Newport, TN, which were both a lot of fun.

In other words, for the first time in ages I think I had an actual VACATION.
Then we boarded the plane at the beginning of September and flew home.
Not to mention: motivated.
Another thing which kept - and keeps - me motivated: fan mail! I got my first fan mail messages this summer, and it was the most surreal, wonderful feeling ever.
I'm still jetlagged (West-to-East is harder than East-to-West, in my experience). It's hotter than normal, so I'm having trouble sleeping at night. I'm trying to get and stay motivated, so I'm not in the aforementioned condition, modelled above by Abel the kitty. I'm also trying to eat right/better so I can lose some weight and feel better all round. You know, like most folks do at New Year's?
And above all, I'm trying to write. I have chapters to crit, and my own writing to do. I have blogs to complete for other sites and reviews to write. I have artwork to prepare and photos to upload.
It's the glamour of a writer's life, don'cha know?