Of course, I'm pretty far away from those activities, but that's okay. The tradition dictates that we share something we're thankful for on this Thanksgiving holiday, and so, in honor of Thanksgiving and for this Thursday Thirteen, I would like to share
13 Things I'm Thankful For

He supports me in my writing endeavors, he endures my crazy crushes, and he's always there whenever I need him. He loves me and isn't afraid to show it - to me or to the world at large.
What more could I possibly ask for?

I'm thankful for her every single day. I'm grateful that she got to come over to London for the launch and that I got to spend time with her while she saw one of my favorite cities for herself.
And again, she supports me and loves me unconditionally, and there's no way to explain how much that means to me.

She went to extraordinary efforts to be able to come to London for the launch too. She's turning into the best (free) publicist I could ever ask for!
I'm thankful for her friendship, and for the friendship she shares with my Mom.
This last year has been made easier and better because of her, and I could never thank her enough. So I'll just have to settle for being thankful for her presence in my life.

Nell and I met in person for the first time the day after the launch for Ask Me..., but that doesn't mean we're not good friends.
She deserves a lot of credit for keeping Ask Me... on a steady keel, and I cannot thank her enough for her advice, her kindness and her expertise. She's truly a friend to be thankful for.

If not for his dogged determination to edit and critique Ask Me... in his free time - what little he has - I am sure the novel would have taken much longer to complete, and it wouldn't be nearly as good as it turned out to be.
He's a good friend, dishes up a tasty barbecue, and is one of the most genuinely wonderful people I've ever met. I'm thankful that chance found a way to throw us together.

I lost two members of my family last year, and the holidays always bring the memories of them in bittersweet ways.
Of course, those losses also remind me how important the time we spend with our loved ones truly is. I love them all - even when they drive me completely batty. If they didn't, though, I'm not sure they'd really be family, if you know what I mean.

I'm thankful that, before he passed away in 2009, my father and I were able to overcome the distance which had grown between us over the years. I'm thankful we got the chance to reconnect and express our love for each other.
Good or - for lack of a better word - bad, I've learned from them all, and I've become who I am today as a result. If nothing else, I can look back on the things I've done, the people I've met and the places I've been and say:
"It's all research."
I'm thankful that my squirrelly little brain is still able to draw from the countless sources around me to build stories. Aural or visual, tactile or emotional, it's all fodder for the creative impulse - and it certainly makes life interesting!

I'm thankful for my kitty. She's maddening sometimes, but she's also cuddly, sweet and so "squee!" she almost makes up for the chomps she delivers on a semi-regular basis.
Food. Shelter. Clothing. I have these things in abundance, and I'm thankful for what I have. How could I not be?

I can now say this with pride - and proof! I'm truly thankful for this opportunity, and hope to do it justice as best I can.
I am thankful for the opportunities before me, the history behind me, and the present I share with all of those I love. I'm thankful that I miss my family back home, because that means I love someone far away and they love me too. I'm thankful to have met so many wonderful people in my life - some extraordinary folks in just the last couple of weeks - and I carry these experiences with me wherever I go.
Now I just need to share them in my stories.
And on that note...
It's been a while since I was able to do this.
Now that the weather's turned a bit chilly,
It's time warm up a bit.
So, I reckon a little cross-country running is in order.