13 Things I Must Pack for My Trip!
2) 'Arty' blouses for the launch in London and the other readings in Oxford.
3) Comfy walking shoes.
4) My copy of Watership Down. (The reason will be explained after I'm back.)
5) Though I never normally wear it - I must pack makeup for the photo ops. (Lawd help me.)
6) Shoes to wear in (potentially) muddy places. (Again, this will be explained later.)
7) Contact lenses.
8) Dressy trousers.
9) Jeans.
10) My camera, and all the batteries, memory cards and various cables, etc, which go with it.
11) A warm nightgown, and a not-so-warm nightgown. To be prepared, either way.
12) Antacids. ('nuff said, I reckon.)
13) An extra suitcase (for bringing stuff - books, tea, chocolates) home. Heh.
And that's just scratching the surface, really. EEEEIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!
That was quick and dirty, no?
And no, that's not meant as a tease.
I mean, you know me...