So, here are:
Thirteen Questions for Author Jill Pennington

I am a ‘Britalian’ Originally from Yorkshire (England) I have been living in Italy for 8 years, I have three teenage children and far too many animals. We live in the Apennine mountains and love it.
2) Could you sum up your book in one sentence for us?
An expat story with a difference.
3) Had you ever considered being/Were you a writer prior to writing this?
I have always written about my life and observations since childhood. I thought everyone did it but apparently not.
Re-living the hard times.
5) Since The Diary of a Single Parent Abroad is a memoir, did you have to resist the urge to fictionalize any of it?
Oh no, the material just piled up in a corner, in fact there is still so much that I didn’t capture. My friends say that more things happen to me in a week than happen to most people in a year!
6) Have you considered writing fiction? Why/Why not?
Yes, I am currently considering this idea.
7) Is this book traditionally published or self-published?
I self-published.
It appears in the current publishing climate, that unless you are a celebrity or already published there is very little chance of being taken on by a traditional publisher, so I decided to try going it alone.
9) What has been the most challenging part of publication for you?
Marketing, the hard work starts after you publish.
10) Are you considering writing another book yet?
Yes, I hope to write many more.
Probably a sequel to the first but I have other ideas to explore as well.
12) What is your favorite book you've read this year?
Ooh I would have to say ‘Ask Me if I’m Happy’ by Kimberly Menozzi (sorry I am biased due to living in Bella Italia)
13) What is your favorite book ever?
Stig of the Dump by Clive King –My favourite book as a child, I read it over and over, then got the chance to enjoy it again as a parent.
You can also follow Jill on Twitter (@jillipen) and Facebook. Her promo for the book can be found on Youtube.
I hope you've enjoyed this conversation with Jill, and that you'll consider having a look at her book.
I'm sure you'll enjoy it, as it's an entertaining and sometimes enlightening look at life in Italy.
In the meantime, I offer you a chance to reminisce about last summer's Olympic events.
Why? I hear you ask.
Do you really need a reason?