So please allow me to present to you
13 Photos of My "Other Dad"

Naturally, this is one of my photos of Martin taken in that window, overlooking the moat.

He obliged, of course.

I repeatedly sneaked shots of him doing so.

The highlight of the day: Martin created "The Fudge Song", snippets of which are sung to this day.

We didn't get off to the smoothest start when I was younger, but over the years we came to a point of understanding I would never have thought possible. I only now realize just how much he loved and accepted me, and I'm sure he knew (and knows) how much I loved him.
His love and caring for my family - especially, of course, for my mother, but also for my siblings and and their families - meant the world to me.
I love you and miss you, Marty-man. Thank you for understanding me when you could, and for guiding me the best you could. I'm only sorry I made it so hard for you to do so.
I'm a better person for it, now.