As some of you may have noticed, last week, I missed posting. The reason for this is pretty simple: I was working on one of my WiPs. I've finally found myself "back in the groove" as it were, and nearly have one project finished, while another project is slightly less complete but approaching the story's peak, from whence it should all be downhilll from there (almost literally, in this case. Heh).
Anyway, in the process of wrangling these stories toward the goal of completion, I've had some time to think about the things writers do to research their stories. And I've been watching Castle reruns, which prompted my thoughts about research.
Anyhoo... I thought I'd share something on the subject of research this week. So please, allow me to present to you
13 Things I've Done in the Name of "Research"

It's such a sacrifice, I tell you what... Heh.

14) Another thing I've done in the name of research is to sit with a cycling jersey in my hands, considering the weight, the feel of the fabric, the sound it makes when it's zipped up, and so on and on.
And then I let my hubby go for his ride. LOL!
And there you go, 13 Things I've Done in the Name of "Research".
So I think I can say with confidence that I'll go to some lengths to be sure my stories are rich with realistic detail.
And also that they're as accurate as it's possible for me to make them.
I do try, anyway. Besides, most writers will agree that the devil is in the details.