If you're interested in supporting the local authorities of Cavezzo in rebuilding the town, you can send donations (via bank transfer) here:
Comune di Cavezzo - Protezione Civile
Banco Popolare Società Cooperativa - Agenzia di Cavezzo
IBAN account: IT 52 J 05034 66720 000000032456
Bic-Swift code: BAPPIT21519
If you would like to donate directly to Croce Rossa Italiana, please click here and give what you can (be sure to select "sisma Emilia Romagna" to send your donation to the correct channel).
50% of all profits from my books sold in June will go to Croce Rossa Italiana (the Italian Red Cross). I hope you can find it in your heart to contribute, too.
Grazie mille.