After an extensive and unplanned delay, I'm back on the T13 loop! It was never my intention to take this little "holiday", but there were a number of reasons I couldn't manage posts in a timely manner.
Does that sound like a lead-in to you? It sure does to me!
So please, allow me to present to you
13 Reasons I Haven't Done a Thursday Thirteen
Do I really need to explain this one? Suffice it to say that getting up at six a.m. (on several occasions) pretty well knocked out any blogging intentions...
And let's face it, if the choice is between writing a blog or watching your cousin hand-feed a wild raccoon and her kits, which are you gonna choose?
And I looked at the pretty, pretty pictures.
But they're back, methinks...
And there you have 13 Reasons I Haven't Done a Thursday Thirteen.
I hope to start posting regularly, now.
After all...
I don't want to neglect my readership, and hey:
It's great to be back!