Now I'm back to work for the language school, it turns out I'm working every Thursday. So, my normal routine of getting up in the morning on Thursday and putting out a T13 has been altered considerably. Also, I've been writing like crazy to get 27 Stages completed, so that's taken up a lot of time.
I've felt rather guilty, so I've made an effort to do a quick post this week - and next week I'll be posting because I've got Thursday off from work (woot!)
So, with that out of the way, please allow me to share with you:
13 Events from the Last Two Weeks
Alas, my favorite rider (Fabian Cancellara, for the two of you who might be unaware of this fact) suffered a fall which broke his collarbone in four places.
Yes. Four.
Yes, I was disappointed - but of course, not nearly as much as he was.
The only upside of this was that I actually found inspiration for another cycling story. We'll see if I write it.
In other words, I finished the first draft.
I used a pre-made Korma sauce with chicken for our lunch. One day I'll be bold enough to make it from scratch.
Now, the revisions/rewrites/hatcheting edits can begin in earnest.
I got my first one-star review. Finally.
Alternate Rialto was the victim, on
I'm not kidding when I say that this actually helped cheer me up a bit this week. I was having a great day on Wednesday, and when I spotted this, I had a good laugh. There's a part of me which was worried I'd never be taken seriously because I've had so many positive reviews. (Only in the writing world is this possible, I reckon.) Now, I've had a proper bad review. I have arrived!
And there you go,
13 Events from the Last Two Weeks.
I hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into my busy(?) little world.
I hope to have something better for you next week.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this musical interlude: